Rest Api Design Pdf

Book Name: REST API Design Rulebook
Author: Mark Masse
ISBN-10: 1449310508
Year: 2011
Pages: 116
Language: English
File size: 5.1 MB
File format: PDF

REST API Design Rulebook Book Description:

REST API Design Guidelines Part 2 Advanced guidelines for RESTful APIs lifecycle management, polymorphism, common tasks TMF631 Release 14.5.1 March 2015 Latest Update: Frameworx Release 14.5 TM Forum Approved Version 1.1.1 IPR Mode: RAND.

Ed-Fi REST API Design Guidelines Ed-Fi Version 1.2 1 Introduction This document defines a set of design guidelines for an Ed-Fi® REST application programming interface (API). This document presents the conventions and design patterns to guide an Ed-Fi REST API specification, along with rationale for the guidelines. The(ResourceHOriented(Architecture(. A(setof(design(principles(for(building( RESTful(Web(Services(– Addressability(– Uniform(interface. Thoughts on RESTful API design, Release 1.0 1.2The Job of the API Designer Before we dive fully into RESTful API design, it makes sense to look in a little more detail what the job of a RESTful API designer is. APIs don’t exist in isolation. Instead, APIs expose functionality of an application or service that exists independently of the API. In this book, we'll start by discussing the what an API is, why you might need one, and follow up with the how to build one. With addition of our Appendix on API Design Patterns and numerous other design tips, this book is complete. Regardless, we're always open to additional sections, concepts, and questions so don't hesitate to drop us a note.

In today’s market, where rival web services compete for attention, a well-designed REST API is a must-have feature. This concise book presents a set of API design rules, drawn primarily from best practices that stick close to the Web’s REST architectural style. Along with rules for URI design and HTTP use, you’ll learn guidelines for media types and representational forms.

REST APIs are ubiquitous, but few of them follow a consistent design methodology. Using these simple rules, you will design web service APIs that adhere to recognized web standards. To assist you, author Mark Massé introduces the Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML), a conceptual framework he created for the design and implementation of REST APIs.

  • Learn design rules for addressing resources with URIs
  • Apply design principles to HTTP’s request methods and response status codes
  • Work with guidelines for conveying metadata through HTTP headers and media types
  • Get design tips to address the needs of client programs, including the special needs of browser-based JavaScript clients
  • Understand why REST APIs should be designed and configured, not coded

Book Name: REST API Design Rulebook
Author: Mark Masse
ISBN-10: 1449310508
Year: 2011
Pages: 116
Language: English
File size: 5.1 MB
File format: PDF

Rest Api Design Rulebook Pdf Github

REST API Design Rulebook Book Description:

In today’s market, where rival web services compete for attention, a well-designed REST API is a must-have feature. This concise book presents a set of API design rules, drawn primarily from best practices that stick close to the Web’s REST architectural style. Along with rules for URI design and HTTP use, you’ll learn guidelines for media types and representational forms.

REST APIs are ubiquitous, but few of them follow a consistent design methodology. Using these simple rules, you will design web service APIs that adhere to recognized web standards. To assist you, author Mark Massé introduces the Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML), a conceptual framework he created for the design and implementation of REST APIs.

  • Learn design rules for addressing resources with URIs
  • Apply design principles to HTTP’s request methods and response status codes
  • Work with guidelines for conveying metadata through HTTP headers and media types
  • Get design tips to address the needs of client programs, including the special needs of browser-based JavaScript clients
  • Understand why REST APIs should be designed and configured, not coded

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