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Armstrong is pleased to announce the availability of Armstrong 'Steam-A-ware' Sizing and Selection Software.

Steam-A-ware is the next generation in product sizing and selection from Armstrong. Steam-A-ware does everything the industry's first steam trap selection software did--plus even more. You are now able to not only size steam traps, but you can size and select pressure/temperature controls and water heaters.

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  • Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation for purchasing and playing video games. Steam has a large community where players can chat, exchange items, collaborate and more. It is one of the largest digital distribution platforms for PC gaming.
  • I-Steam™ is a software developed to model, simulate and optimize steam and power systems. I-Steam™ uses non-linear modeling and optimization algorithms to improve the operating conditions of existing utility systems to reduce energy demand and increase profitability.
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Pick from specific applications or use “Select a Product Using Known Parameters”, either way, you will be lead through an easy-to-use interface to the right product for the right application using either IP or SI units. You can create Schedules that can be saved and modified at a later date. Additionally, print/save/export your selected product specification which details all operating conditions required along with materials, specifications and options.

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Steam-A-ware also includes the complete Armstrong Solution Source handbook and links to the individual page when a specific product model has been selected. In addition, Submittal Drawings, Installation, Operation and Maintenance manuals, and typical application drawings are just a click away. Also included for mobility, Steam-A-ware includes installation programs for Palm and Pocket PC formats.