Din Iso 2768 Mk Tolerancesaccountnew

The standard ISO DIN 2768 is a standard has been issued by the International Organization for standardization - ISO in association with Deutsches Institut für Normung - DIN. This standard determines the general tolerance values for the untoleranced linear and angular dimensions and also for the form and position tolerances. It's used to simplify the engineering drawings in case of determining the mechanical tolerances for parts' dimensions which are manufactured by machining means.
This standard consists of two sub-standards:
1- ISO DIN 2768-1 Standard:
This sub-standard determines the values of general tolerances of the linear and angular dimensions and radius of curvature and chamfer height according to four classes of levels: f (fine), m (medium), c (coarse), v (very coarse).
2- ISO DIN 2768-2 Standard:
This sub-standard the values of general tolerances in regard of form and posistion according to three classes or levels: H (fine), K (medium), L (coarse).
In engineering drawings, and for the untoleranced dimensions, the medium level is usually used ( 'm' for the first sub-standard and 'k' for the second sub-standard), and that can be expressed by writing the following in the title box: ISO DIN 2768 - mK.


المعيار ISO DIN 2768:---------------------------المعيار ISO DIN 2768 هو معيار دولي صادر عن المنظمة الدولية للمعاير...

Posted by Eng. Rami Khalil on Friday, July 31, 2015

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  1. Iso Tolerances Din Iso 2768 1 Din Iso 2768 2 English. Tolerances On Angles.
  2. If general tolerances according to ISO 2768-1 are valid, the following has to be inserted in the title box, i.e. For tolerance class medium. ISO 2768 – m or general tolerance ISO 2768 – m. For new designs only the general tolerance according to DIN ISO 2768-1 should be valid. M medium c v 1° 30c 20c 10c 5c coarse 1°30c 1° 30c 15c 10c.
  3. . The latest DIN standard sheet version applies to all parts made to DIN standards. Variations on dimensions without tolerance values are according to 'DIN ISO 2768-mk'.

DIN ISO 2768 1 / 3 Maryland Metrics Technical Data Chart: General Tolerances to DIN ISO 2768 T1 and T2 The latest DIN standard sheet version applies to all parts made to DIN standards. Variations on dimensions without tolerance values are according to 'DIN ISO 2768-mk'. GENERAL TOLERANCES FOR LINEAR AND ANGULAR DIMENSIONS (DIN ISO 2768 T1). ISO Tolerances According to DIN ISO 2768-1. ISO 2768 – m or general tolerance ISO 2768 – m. For new designs only the general tolerance according to DIN ISO 2768-1 should be valid. The limit measurements of the tolerance classes m and f of DIN ISO 2768-1 are identic with those of DIN 7168-1.


  • Angular Dimension
  • External Radius and Chamfer height
  • Geometric Tolerance such as straightness, flatness, perpendicularity, symmetry and runout.
We suggest you read this article on go no-go gauges.

General Tolerance : ISO 2768

Linear DimensionsNominal Length Range in mmTolerance Classf
(very coarse)0.5 up to 3±0.05±0.1±0.2-3 up to 6±0.05±0.1±0.3±0.53 up to 30±0.1±0.2±0.5±130 up to 120±0.15±0.3±0.8±1.5120 up to 400±0.2±0.5±1.2±2.5400 up to 1000±0.3±0.8±2.0±4.01000 up to 2000±0.5±1.2±3.0±6.02000 up to 4000-±2.0±4.0±8.0External Radius and Chamfer HeightsNominal Length Range in mmTolerance Classf
(very coarse)0.5 up to 3±0.2±0.2±0.4±0.4over 3 up to 6±0.5±0.5±1.0±1.0over 6±1.0±1.0±2.0±2.0Angular DimensionsNominal Length Range in mmTolerance Classf
(very coarse)up to 10±1°±1°±1°30'±3°over 10 up to 50±0°30'±0°30'±1°±2°over 50 up to 120±0°20'±0°20'±0°30'±1°over 120 up to 400±0°10'±0°10'±0°15'±0°30'over 400±0°50'±0°50'±0°10'±0°20'Straightness and FlatnessDin iso 2768 mk tolerancesNominal Length Range in mmTolerance ClassHKLup to 10 up to 300.050.10.2over 30 up to 1000.10.20.4over 100 up to 3000.20.40.8over 300 up to 10000.30.61.2over 1000 up to 30000.40.81.6IsoPerpendicularity

Din Iso 2768 Mk

Nominal Length Range in mmTolerance ClassHKLup to 1000.20.40.6over 100 up to 3000.30.61over 300 up to 10000.40.81.5over 1000 up to 30000.50.82SymmetryNominal Length Range in mm

Din Iso 2768 Mk Tolerances

Tolerance ClassHKLup to 1000.50.60.6over 100 up to 3000.50.61over 300 up to 10000.50.81.5over 1000 up to 30000.512RunoutHKL0.10.20.5

Din Iso 2768 Mh Tolerance

Iso 2768 Mk Tolerance Table

Read this article for details on Limit Fit and Tolerance.