

Imp Etymology


IMP Aerospace & Defence is a vertically integrated organization providing comprehensive In-Service Support services on a diverse selection of airframes and platforms. Our clients include military, government and commercial operators. What does imp mean? To graft (new feathers) onto the wing of a trained falcon or hawk to repair damage or increase fl. Imp (1894–1909) was a pure black Thoroughbred racing filly with a white, diamond-shaped star between her eyes. She was sired by Wagner (GB) out of Fondling (by Fonso) and was foaled on March 5, 1894.

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IMPInternet Messaging Program
IMPImpedance (Morse Code abbreviation)
IMPInternational Marketing Plan (various organizations)
IMPInternational Masters Publishers
IMPInternational Music Publications (publisher; UK)
IMPInformation Management Programme (various organizations)
IMPImpasse (French: Dead End; Canada Post street designation)
IMPInterface Message Processor (ARPANET)
IMPImperator (Latin: Emperor)
IMPImage Product
IMPInteractive Mathematics Program
IMPInformation on Medicinal Products
IMPIntake Manifold Pressure (sensor; automobiles)
IMPIntegrated Maritime Policy (EU)
IMPInosine 5'-Monophosphate
IMPIntegrity Management Program (various organizations)
IMPInstituto Mexicano del Petroleo
IMPInsulated Metal Panel
IMPIsle of Man Pound (ISO currency code)
IMPImager for Mars Pathfinder
IMPInstitut Médico-Pédagogique (French: Medical-Pedagogical Institute)
IMPIntegrated Master Plan
IMPImage Manipulation Program
IMPImproved Message Passing
IMPInterface Message Processor
IMPInternet Music Player
IMPInitial Memory Protection
IMPIntegrated Marketing Plan
IMPInstitute for Metal Physics (Ukraine)
IMPInvestigational Medicinal Product (European Union)
IMPIndustrial Master Plan (various locations)
IMPInfrastructure Management Program (various organizations)
IMPInformation Impacts (magazine)
IMPInterplanetary Monitoring Platform
IMPInterplanetary Monitoring Platform (Explorer satellites)
IMPIdeal Medical Products (Broseley, MO)
IMPInstrumental Music Program (various organizations)
IMPImperforate (philately)
IMPInstitute of Medical Psychology (University of Munich; Germany)
IMPIntegrated Management Plan
IMPInstitutional Master Plan
IMPInteractive Media Player (various organizations)
IMPIntelligent Multimedia Processing (various locations)
IMPInternational Marketing and Purchasing (Group)
IMPIndiana Michigan Power (utility)
IMPIt's My Pleasure (Internet slang)
IMPIncident Management Plan
IMPInternational Meeting Planners (Texas)
IMPIntegrated Marketing Portal (New York, NY)
IMPInstitut für Medizinische Psychologie (Institute of Medical Psychology, LMU Germany)
IMPIsrael Military Products
IMPInventory Management Plan
IMPInstitute of Medical Physics (Erlangen, Germany)
IMPInternational Match Points (bridge game)
IMPInvisible Mic Preamp
IMPInformation Management Plan
IMPInternational Museum of Photography
IMPIntrinsic Membrane Protein
IMPInstitute of Materials Processing (Michigan)
IMPInformation Management Practices
IMPImperatriz, Maranhao, Brazil (Airport Code)
IMPInterMedium Publishers (Netherlands)
IMPInternet Message Processor (less common)
IMPIll Mannered Playas (rap group)
IMPIntegrated Mediterranean Programme
IMPIonized Metal Plasma
IMPInstitute of Microwaves and Photonics
IMPIntelligent Mark Positioning (Virtek Company)
IMPInput Message Processor
IMPInternational Moron Patrol (internet flash-cartoon series)
IMPIntegrated Monitor Panel
IMPIndependent Members of Parliament Caucus (Republika Srpska)
IMPInstitute of Molecular Physics (Moscow, Russia)
IMPImplementation and Monitoring Plan
IMPInstructional Management Plan
IMPImplementation Management Plan
IMPIntegrated Mail Processor
IMPInstallation Master Plan
IMPIndustrial Mobilization Plan
IMPInstructional Media Package
IMPInput Message Processing
IMPInter-Modulation Product
IMPIndividual Meal Package
IMPInterface Management Plan
IMPIntelligent Processing of Materials
IMPInterline Message Procedure
IMPInput Method Profiler (Microsoft)
IMPItem Management Plan
IMPInternet Modem Protocol
IMPIntelligent Machine Post
IMPInvited Medical Personnel
IMPInbound Message Processor
IMPInfrastructure Modernization Plan
IMPImproved Maintenance Plan/Program
IMPIn-service Management Panel
IMPIntelligence Message Processor
IMPInitial Military Program
IMPIntegrated Modernization Period
IMPInitial Modeling Step
IMPInfantry Mortar Plan
IMPIntegrated Maintenance Procedure
IMPInteroperability/Integrated Management Plan
IMPIntermodule Packet
IMPIn-Mould Painting (injection molding of pastic parts)
IMPICF Media Platform
IMPInjected Metal Products (component assemblies produced using a die casting technique)
IMPIncubadora de Microempresas Productivas (Bolivia microfinance)
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