Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh's Pancake

On Thursday, November 10, 2011, the Western Black Rhino was officially declared extinct. This was a sad thing to happen, even though rhinos are very weird-looking animals, if you ask me. But it's not their fault if they look weird, and it's definitely not nice for this type of rhino to have to go extinct. If fleas went extinct, that would be a different matter because I don't think many people or animals would miss fleas very much. But rhinos are nicer than fleas because they don't bite you and make you itch all the time. On the other hand, you would not want to get stepped on by a rhinoceros because that would make you all squished and flat.

  1. The rarest of the black rhino subspecies, the Western Black Rhino was officially declared extinct in 2011. Their extinction was caused mainly by poachers killing them for their horns, which are highly prized on the black market and used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  2. The Western Black Rhino of Africa has been declared officially extinct, a leading conservation group has said. T wo other subspecies of rhinoceros are close to meeting the same fate, it warned.

Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh

Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh's Pancake Mix

Black rhinoceros, the third largest rhinoceros and one of two African species of rhinoceros. The black rhinoceros typically weighs between 700 and 1,300 kg (1,500 and 2,900 pounds); males are the same size as females. It stands 1.5 meters (5 feet) high at the shoulder and is 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) long.

The last place that anybody saw Western Black Rhinos or any signs of them, such as their poop, was in 2006 in Cameroon. In 2000, there might have still been 10 of these animals left in Cameroon, but now there is no trace of them anywhere.

The reason for the Western Black Rhino's going extinct is that for years poachers have been killing them to get their horns. These horns are made out of something called keratin, which is the same stuff that fingernails and toenails and hair is made of. There is a belief in Eastern medicine that rhinoceros horn will cure cancer and do other good stuff like that. Western scientists say there is no proof that this is true, but a lot of people are willing to pay Big Bucks for rhino horns on the black market. I think these people should just pull out their own fingernails and use that keratin instead, but as usual, nobody asked for my opinion!
Since poachers can make a whole bunch of money selling the horns, they keep killing rhinos. And the poachers haven't been punished very much for doing this mean illegal stuff, so that's another reason that they keep doing it.
Western Black Rhinos were between 4.6 and 5.6 feet tall and weighed 1,800--2,900 pounds. They had two horns, just like other African rhinos. Asian rhinos (except for Sumatran rhinos) only have one horn. And the bigger horn of the Western Black Rhino could be as long as 4.3 feet.
Another type of rhinoceros is the Eastern Black Rhino, and it is not extinct yet. We have one of them at the Kansas City Zoo, and she had a baby last spring. Luckily, the baby rhinos don't have horns when they are born, because if they did, it would be kind of painful for the mama rhino. Anyway, back in 1900 or so, there were about 100,000 Eastern Black Rhinos in Africa, but by the 1960s, only 1,500 were left. Of course, this was because of the big, bad poachers. But since then, a lot of people have tried to save the Eastern Black Rhino, so today there are about 4,500 of them.
Sadly, the situation of the Northern White Rhino is not as good. There are only 4 of them left for sure. These 4 used to be in a zoo in the Czech Republic, but now they live on a ranch in Kenya. There might also be a few wild ones left in Congo and South Sudan, but no one has seen them for sure. So the Northern White Rhino is said to be 'possibly extinct.'
The Javan Rhino is in even worse shape, at least in Vietnam, where it is 'probably extinct.' There are a few Javan Rhinos left on the island of Java, but not very many, and there are getting to be fewer of them all the time.Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh
And now for some good news, which is about the Southern White Rhinos. At the end of the 19th century, only about 100 of there were left, but now there are over 20,000. This is because of special efforts to stop the poaching and to breed more of these rhinos. In my opinion, this is what people should be doing all over the world with their wild animals, but sometimes people are poor and hungry and desperate to make a little money, so they don't care too much about conservation. Which is sad, but that's the way things are. If I were Queen of the World, I would make sure everyone had enough food to eat so that nobody had to cut down rainforests or kill wild animals for bush meat or to get their horns or tusks.

Rhinoceros poaching is at an all time high. Of the five remaining species of rhinoceros, three are considered to be critically endangered. If illegal hunting of these pachyderms isn’t curbed soon, then they may disappear forever.

Western black rhino is extinctjosh

South Africa, the country with the largest population of rhinos, has seen an astounding increase in reported poaching incidents. In 2014, at least 1,215 rhinos were killed illegally — whereas just ten years prior there were only ten recorded occurrences of rhino poaching.

Rhinoceros poaching, however, is not isolated to South Africa — it is widespread throughout the continent, and is primarily driven by a sizable demand for rhinoceros’ keratin horns.

Rhino horns, which are made from the same material as your hair and fingernails, are used as a sort of cure-all in a number of Asian cultures — although there is no evidence to substantiate claims that it can cure anything. Any suggestion that a rhino horn has any medicinal value is based entirely on superstition.

But superstition can be powerful. In Vietnam, rhino horn is worth as much as $100,000 per kilogram — even more than gold. Rhino horn is used as a party drug, a cancer cure, and a status symbol by some of the wealthiest Vietnamese citizens.

While the money being shelled out for expensive rhino-horn-laced products has not been proven to actually benefit anyone’s health, the boom in demand means very real consequences for the victims of poaching.

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In 2013, the Western black rhino (pictured below) was declared extinct. The last recorded spotting occurred in 2006, and the species was thereafter eradicated, predominantly due to poaching and insufficient conservation efforts.

Recent anti-poaching efforts, however, have garnered some success. Vetpaw has been running a program that hires former U.S. veterans to peacefully educate communities and prevent the illegal hunting of threatened animals — you can find out more about the project right here.

South Africa’s Greater Kurger National Park has employed over two dozen women from surrounding villages to patrol the reserve and educate their communities to prevent domestic poaching. Since the assemblage of the team, known as the Black Mambas, the reserve has only lost two rhinos, and has seen a major drop in snare poaching.

With continued conservation and peaceful anti-poaching efforts, we may yet be able to protect the remaining species of rhinoceros from extinction.

Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh's Pancake Made

★ Want to Help? ★

Just as South Africa is bridging the gap between conservation and community, the Rhino Fund Uganda and The Rainforest Site are working toward a peaceful end to rhino poaching through education and community programs.

Western Black Rhino Is Extinctjosh's Pancake House

While just spreading awareness helps, you can do more and directly donate to GreaterGood.org to stop rhino poaching.